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Motherboard Overview

The motherboard for the D6 was “heavily inspired” by the motherboard of the Ultimaker 2

It is also based on ATMega2560. As with almost all components of the D6, it is primarily 24 Volts.

  • J9 - Have heard of it being used for Z-probe purposes, not quite sure on how
  • J19 - Here a 2pin JST Female connector was added to J19 for easier connection. Highly recommended!
  • J16 + J17 - Does anyone know what these (Safety 1+2) would or could be used for?
  • Based on schematics for the Ultimaker2 board, the following MIGHT BE true/helpful:
    • J9 - Analog - Pin 2 (middle) should output 5V
    • J16 - Safety 1 - Pin 1 should output 5V, Pin 2 is shared with Pin 1 of J17
    • D7 - Green Power LED
    • D3 - Yellow RX LED - ?
    • D4 - Yellow TX LED - ?

Due to the design of the motherboard being “extremely inspired” from the Ultimaker2 motherboard, there are certain issues that come up. The relay (blue cube on motherboard) serves no purpose and will sometimes cause problems. TL;DR: Bypass the relay by shorting it with a solid core wire to fix MANY issues. See my terrible soldering job below that works just fine!

For more about relay issues:

Wanhao's Official Video on Motherboard Relay Bypass Wanhao's Official PDF on Motherboard Relay Bypass Investigating the Infamous Relay Bypass for Monoprice Maker Ultimate (Wanhao Duplicator 6)

The T1 chip located near the extruder ribbon cable connector of the motherboard is responsible for control of both fans on the extruder. If you have no power going to either or both fan then you may need to replace or bypass this chip. Check to make sure that it is not shorted, usually they go completely open circuit so you can solder another one on top of it. Almost any NPN general purpose transistor will work in place of T-1.

The original chip is a BC817 NPN transistor

This can be replaced with either a similar chip or a common 2N2222 transistor.

  • reprap/wanhao/duplicator6/major_components/motherboard.1531363386.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018/12/02 02:27
  • (external edit)