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reprap:wanhao:duplicator6:major_components:motherboard [2018/07/12 04:43] champatronreprap:wanhao:duplicator6:major_components:motherboard [2018/12/02 02:27] (current) – external edit
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 ====== Motherboard Overview ====== ====== Motherboard Overview ======
 +[[|Photo Dump for the motherboard v1.5]]
 The motherboard for the D6 was "heavily inspired" by the The motherboard for the D6 was "heavily inspired" by the
 [[|motherboard of the Ultimaker 2]] [[|motherboard of the Ultimaker 2]]
- +It is based on the ATMega2560 microcontrollerIt is primarily 24 Volt circuit, with some 5 Volt pins
- It is also based on ATMega2560. As with almost all components of the D6, it is primarily 24 Volts.+
 {{:reprap:wanhao:duplicator6:motherboard:motherboard.png?1000|}} {{:reprap:wanhao:duplicator6:motherboard:motherboard.png?1000|}}
-   * J9 - Have heard of it being used for Z-probe purposes, not quite sure on how+==== Interesting Pins ==== 
 +   * J9 - Have heard of it being used for Z-probe purposes, [need more info]
    * J19 - Here a 2pin JST Female connector was added to J19 for easier connection. Highly recommended!    * J19 - Here a 2pin JST Female connector was added to J19 for easier connection. Highly recommended!
    * J16 + J17 - Does anyone know what these (Safety 1+2) would or could be used for?    * J16 + J17 - Does anyone know what these (Safety 1+2) would or could be used for?
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 ===== The Stepper Motor Drivers ===== ===== The Stepper Motor Drivers =====
-[[The best that 2015 has to offer, the Allegro A4988ET for X,Y,Z, and Extruder axes.|]] +[[|The best that 2015 has to offer, the Allegro A4988ET for X,Y,Z, and Extruder axes (PDF Link)]]
 ===== The Relay ===== ===== The Relay =====
 +A common point of failure in this version of the motherboard is the 5V circuit relay (Big Blue Cube). It can cause many issues where the printer "sorta" turns on, because the relay turns off the 5V circuit, which is the front panel interface LCD and knob.
-Due to the design of the motherboard being "extremely inspired" from the Ultimaker2 motherboard, there are certain issues that come up. The relay (blue cube on motherboard) serves no purpose and will sometimes cause problems. 
 TL;DR: Bypass the relay by shorting it with a solid core wire to fix MANY issues. See my terrible soldering job below that works just fine! TL;DR: Bypass the relay by shorting it with a solid core wire to fix MANY issues. See my terrible soldering job below that works just fine!
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 [[|Wanhao's Official PDF on Motherboard Relay Bypass]] [[|Wanhao's Official PDF on Motherboard Relay Bypass]]
 [[|Investigating the Infamous Relay Bypass for Monoprice Maker Ultimate (Wanhao Duplicator 6)]] [[|Investigating the Infamous Relay Bypass for Monoprice Maker Ultimate (Wanhao Duplicator 6)]]
 +===== The Extruder Ribbon Connection =====
 +{{ :reprap:wanhao:duplicator6:major_components:mobo_extruder_pinout.png|}}
 +E-1A,1B,2A,2B are used by the stepper motor on the extruder.
 +[|Link to my Google Sheet with Pinouts]]
 +===== The MOSFETS =====
 +[[|TODO: Photos to text transcription]]
 ===== The T1 Chip ===== ===== The T1 Chip =====
  • reprap/wanhao/duplicator6/major_components/motherboard.1531363386.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018/12/02 02:27
  • (external edit)