====== Howto: Replace the Connectors on the Mainboard ====== ===== Why? ===== {{:reprap:anet:a8:photo_2016-10-19_20-58-49.jpg?600|board with burned pins}} The green connectors on the board are not rated for the heatbed currency. Multiple users on the Facebook-Groups showed their burned pins, connectors or mainboards. To prevent this you should switch the connectors. ===== Preparation ===== ==== Parts ==== You need: * new connectors with a pin distance of 5,08mm and a currency rating of at least 20A ([[https://www.ebay.de/itm/10-50PCS-5-08mm-Pitch-Panel-KF301-2P-KF301-3P-Screw-Terminal-Block-PCB-Connector/232498440599|ebay]]: AKZ120 or 5mm PCB) * soldering and desldering equipment (like [[https://www.ebay.de/itm/Lotkolben-Set-Elektronik-Lotstation-220V-60W-Soldering-Regelbar/162791502112|this]]) ===== Processing ===== ==== Warning! ==== If you have no experience in soldering you should give it to someone who knows how to do this. Messing up the connectors could lead to a fire, so give it to some electronics-guy. ==== Desoldering ==== {{:reprap:anet:a8:photo_2016-11-05_01-19-02.jpg?600|Board with stock connectors}} Desolder all three connectors. Heat the two pins alternating and pull them out or use desoldering tools like desoldering wick and a desoldering pump. {{:reprap:anet:a8:photo_2016-11-05_01-18-50.jpg?600|Board without connectors}} ==== Solder the new connectors ==== To apply the new connectors to the board just solder them where the old ones were. {{:reprap:anet:a8:photo_2016-11-05_01-19-29.jpg?600|board with first new connector}} {{:reprap:anet:a8:photo_2016-11-05_01-19-40.jpg?600|board with three new connectors}} ==== Finish ==== Reapply the board to your printer and enjoy. ===== Related improvement ===== To prevent the high currency of the heatbed going through the Mainboard [[reprap:electronics:heatbed_mosfet|apply a relay]] to your setup.